贸易战:  印尼 - 美国 (通过Sylodium,  全球 导入导出  目录)。

US has  been accused several times of “dumping” in products like meat and agricultural products, that is to say, for selling these goods at a lower price than it costs to produce. US  is very protective of its agricultural and cattle sector.

In the other side, Indonesia is trying to reduce the import of some US products, like meat and horticultural products, through import licenses and its system of quotas that will be reduced, in part, due to Indonesia plan to self-sufficient in few years.

WTO will study the case that include, among other many things, the possible dumping of US, the possible use of growth hormone for the beef, and will decide, if Indonesia is violating international trade standards with its measures of limiting imports.

In Sylodium (international trade directory) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities like:  纽约(美国) - 雅加达(印度尼西亚)。芝加哥(美国) - 万隆(印度尼西亚)。洛杉矶(美国) - 泗水(印尼)。华盛顿(美国) - 棉兰(印度尼西亚)。达拉斯(美国) - 巨港(印度尼西亚)...